Adding perio clinical notes
In addition to measurements, you can add other periodontal data to the current perio exam. You can also use this data to create customized letters that you can send to insurance companies, patients, and so on.
To add a perio clinical note
1. In the Perio Chart toolbar, click Diagnostics.
The Perio Clinical Notes dialog box appears.
2. Do the following:
· GINGIVA - Select the options appropriate to the condition of the patient’s gingiva from each list.
· X-RAYS - Select the bone loss and defects from the lists as indicated by an X-ray.
· ORAL HYGIENE - Select the options appropriate to the state of the patient’s oral hygiene from each list.
· MISCELLANEOUS - Type miscellaneous exam information.
· Periodontal Case Type - Select the appropriate periodontal case type for the patient from the list.
· Patient Status - Select the appropriate status or statuses from the list.
· Perio Status - Select the appropriate status or statuses from the list.
3. To create a customized letter containing the data you entered, click Copy to Clipboard.
The data is copied to the Clipboard.
4. Open the letter or document that you want to copy the data to, and then press Ctrl + V.
5. To save the settings you entered as your default settings, click Save as Default.
All future exams will default to the settings that you entered.
6. Click OK.